“Hi, my name is Carlie and I’m the official mascot of #cohearentaudiomastering. I like to hang out with my human Kevin Gray during sessions, listen to the amazing music he masters for record labels (especially Impex Records), and receive pets and cuddles whenever I feel like it. Next time you stop by, feel free to say HI.”

We’ve enjoyed a stellar working relationship with Kevin for over a quarter-century and have been thrilled to see how he’s become THE go-to mastering engineer for vinyl production. We’re not at all surprised, as Mr. Gray’s work has always been focused on both client’s needs and (most importantly) the faithful presentation of the music itself.

On a recent visit, Fearless Leader Abey got to meet Cohearent’s charming and friendly mascot Carlie. What a cutie!

#mascot #catmascot #audiophilemastering #KevinGray #whatwereonabout #vinyllp #audiomastering